那天跟FanYu聊天他说美国人都比较有原则,说看了电视都有这种感觉.我说那太好了,Zhupo老说我有原则,我就要让她看看好教育教育她.问FanYu是什么电视.他说多了,Friends, House, Office什么的. 结果我就去下Office看了. 其实我也下了一集House. 国内BT是找不到了,只能从eMule上找.因为是要看第一集,对于BT那种实时性较强的来源来说,这些老一点的节目还是eMule可靠. 在eMule上面拖了两天才下了两集.怎么就这么慢呢? 先说House,一看到那个女的在Prison Break里面演过,就直接pass了.我不喜欢那个样子.不够美,丑得也不够有性格. 再说Office.看了两集就觉得那个"The World's Best Boss"是个疯子. 然后忙着学习上的事就没看了.一个星期过去了,今天上午收到一封邮件.
Date: Tue, 16 Jan 2007 20:18:00 -0800 From: universal-studios-no-reply@copyright-compliance.com Subject: Copyright Infringement Notice Notice ID: 14-10067483 Re: Unauthorized Use of NBC Universal Properties Notice ID: 14-10067483 17 Jan 2007 02:05:15 GMT Please be advised that NBC Universal and/or its subsidiary and affiliated companies (collectively, NBC Universal) are the owners of exclusive rights protected under copyright law and other intellectual property rights in many motion pictures and television programs, including the title(s) listed below (the NBC Universal Properties). NBC Universal diligently enforces its rights in its motion pictures. It has come to our attention that Utah State University is the service provider for the IP address listed below, from which unauthorized copying and distribution (downloading, uploading, file serving, file "swapping" or other similar activities) of NBC Universal's motion picture(s) listed below is taking place. We believe that the Internet access of the user engaging in this infringement is provided by Utah State University or a downstream service provider who purchases this connectivity from Utah State University. This unauthorized copying and distribution constitutes copyright infringement under applicable national laws and international treaties. Although various legal and equitable remedies may be available to NBC Universal as a result of such infringement, NBC Universal believes that the entire Internet community benefits when these matters are resolved cooperatively. We urge you to take immediate action to stop this infringing activity and inform us of the results of your actions. We appreciate your efforts toward this common goal. Please be advised that this letter is not intended to be a complete statement of the facts or law as they may pertain to this matter or of NBC Universal's positions, rights or remedies, legal or equitable, all of which are specifically reserved. Very truly yours, Internet Anti-Piracy Team, Worldwide Anti-Piracy Operations NBC UNIVERSAL 100 Universal City Plaza 1220/2 Universal City, CA 91608 tel. (818) 777-4876 fax (818) 866-2155 antipiracy@nbcuni.com *pgp public key is available on the key server at ldap://keyserver.pgp.com ** For any correspondence regarding this case, please send your emails to antipiracy@unistudios.com and refer to Notice ID: 14-10067483. If you need immediate assistance or if you have general questions please call the number listed above. Title: The Office: AAW S01E02 - Diversity Day (TV) Infringement Source: eDonkey Initial Infringement Timestamp: 14 Jan 2007 10:59:11 GMT Recent Infringment Timestamp: 14 Jan 2007 10:59:11 GMT Infringer Username: Infringing Filename: The_Office_(US)_-_1x02_-_Diversity_Day.HDTV.lol.avi Infringing Filesize: 183453696 Infringers IP Address: Infringers DNS Name: xxxxxx.dorms.usu.edu Infringing URL: ed2k://|file|The_Office_(US)_-_1x02_-_Diversity_Day.HDTV.lol.avi|183453696|E759EE82CC53A99EA9D45ACCC5495CEA|/
被监控了.有人说被监控有什么大不了了,我们这全国都监控.我说被国家监控就好了,我竟然被一家电视公司给监控到了. 从某一方面来说,NBC比FOX牛.(不会因为里面有个B字吧)因为下Prison Break没有问题.不过也不一定,Prison Break是新戏,就像微软的OS一样,新出的总给你盗一下,成了气候了再给你来个正版认证. 从另一方面来说,BT比eMule安全.当然,这只是我的推测.我也不敢以身试法了. 不过这也可以看出,美国人的确是讲原则的.至少在讲原则的说到做到的那个层面上.以前看copyrights那些都还以为是说笑呢. 呆了一年多了,我觉得我的版权意识是提高了一些.在这里用盗版总有一种做贼心虚的感觉. 常在河边走哪有不湿脚的呢.