今天发现有人用google的翻译服务来翻译我的blog,从中文到英文. 很有趣. 希望这次没有人发现. 前一篇发现我真是土得掉渣了.
blog中"只度有缘人"被翻译成了"Readers who only degrees", 没了中文的意境了,怎么说也是一个huo语吧.
"鬼吹灯"是"ghosts Blowlamp",嘿嘿,谅外国人也猜不透这是什么意思.
After details
So skinny or run the marathon, TU, disagree. Mad love for comics Dreams always dream that he would be able to do under the Ma-po tofu and a dab hand at chess and tennis pretend Everyone always took months. In fact, only when pushed a bit like a heavy glasses male, although there is no flash in the lenses. I do not know why Ma-po tofu can be made in just a dream at the Hunan government also unable to eat a little on the day clamored to touch hot food. playing basketball at the backboard and always stand on the left, so I guess he should always put the left is the type of man Shooting because he has always pretended to pass to me, I passed him, You said you did not see my girlfriend next to me, still in my gaffe, you said that you asked me to tell you how scared! That is, I, freestyle, yeah~yeah~yeah
The bat is really terrific!
TH55,Qigong, history and the fact that jogging, Milan, Beersheva, TH55
Cattle papers
Look at the saying goes, a man must look at his hands. We look at cattle brother's hand. This is a very powerful pair of hands and watch the sky 361 degrees netball vote; This is the sense of a pair of hands and strong legs over the details of the still rough; This is a pair of dexterous hands and early winter night lighting concentrate engaged in needlework. Oh, and this is a pair of lonely hand look at the starting right cocoon ...... imoji
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